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Kim, H.¹, Son, B. R.1, Seo, E. U.¹, Kwon, M., Ahn, J. H., Shin, H., Song, G. Y., Park, E. J., Na, D. H., Cho, S. W., Kim, H. N.*, Park, H. H.*, Lee, W.* (2022) "Cleavage-responsive biofactory T cells suppress infectious diseases-associated hypercytokinemia", Advanced Science, 2022.09.26, 2201883
* Corresponding author
Park, H. H.¹, Park, W.¹, Lee, Y. Y.¹, Kim, H., Seo, H. S., Choi, D. W., Kwon, H. K., Na, D. H., Kim, T. H., Choy, Y. B., Ahn, J. H.*, Lee, W.*, Park, C. G.* (2020) "Bioinspired DNase-I-coated melanin-like nanospheres for modulation of infection-associated NETosis dysregulation", Advanced Science, 2020.07.23, 2001940
1 First author
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